want to

end racism?

we DO TOO.

want to

end racism?

we DO TOO.

want to

end racism?

we DO TOO.


better neighbor lab

a community of practice for white people committed to ending racism

stay inspired

Join our big, audacious goal of ending racism in our lifetime.

nurture your practice

Tend your commitment to ending racism through daily practice.

find your people

Meet real people who've made a real commitment to real change.

embrace your role

Develop the will and skill to make a difference where it matters most.

introducing better neighbor lab

a community of practice for white people committed to ending racism

stay inspired

Join our big, audacious goal of ending racism in our lifetime. 

nurture your practice

Tend your commitment to ending racism daily through practice.

              find your people

Meet real people who've made a real commitment to real change.

          embrace your role

Develop the will and skill to make a difference where it matters most.

white people have a belief problem

We have resigned ourselves to the idea that racism cannot end, yet everything that had a beginning can have an end.

A healing-centered approach to liberation stops us from pointing our finger elsewhere or believing we are powerless to stop racism. When we do this communally, we access the courage to practice commitments to help us become the people we want to be.


choose your adventure


is a self-guided 

resource kit for people who want to start a community

  • Keys for starting a white community of practice focused on ending racism
  • Weekly activity & discussion guide  
  • Ever-growing searchable resources

The Lab

is a monthly membership for

people who want to join our community

  • Active, supportive community  
  • Live calls 3x/month  
  • In-depth courses & training 
  • Exclusive toybox & resources   
  • Personal response to your questions

The Lab

is a monthly membership for people who want to join our community of practice

is a monthly membership for people who want to join our community of practice

  • Active, supportive community  
  • Live calls 3x/month  
  • In-depth courses & training 
  • Exclusive toybox & resources   
  • Personal response to your questions


is a self-directed resource  kit for people who want to start a community

is a self-directed resource kit for people who want to start a community

  • Keys to start a white community of practice focused on ending racism
  • Weekly activity & discussion guide  
  • Ever-growing searchable resources

Hi neighbor, have we met yet?

What they Say

Barb Fisher

Because of the learning I've done here, I can more easily spot white supremacy in language, policies, books, and more. I have developed the strength to call out white supremacy in a way that brings my community together so we peel away its strength together.

Annie Scott

I'm learning in ways that bring me closer to understanding myself and my history. I will forever be grateful for the light y'all shed so I could continue my journey toward living an antiracist life.

Kristen Robelo

The practices of healing and accountability you offer allow me to move through the world with more awareness, give me more tools to build relationships, and to engage in conflicts that come up. Having white liberation community makes me feel less hopeless, and feel more connected to the possibility of changing our world.

give us a try

Made a racist mistake? Try out our tested, humanizing, no-shame, no-blame accountability model. 

give us a try

Made a racist mistake? Try out our tested, humanizing, no-shame, no-blame accountability model. 


How does the focus on white people end racism?

For decades, the targets of racism have pointed us back toward each other. Here are two examples among many:

Whites who are sincere should organize themselves and figure out some strategies to break down the prejudice that exists in white communities. This is where they can function more intelligently and more effectively in the white community itself…. -Malcolm X, 1965

To all my white countrymen, I say this: Not only is it not my business to lead you out of white-body supremacy, but I would do you a profound disservice by trying to do so. You need to develop, lift up, and follow your own leaders in the work of dissolving white-body supremacy. If you don't, you will collectively reaffirm the myth of white fragility and helplessness... -Resmaa Menakem, 2017 

So often, white people believe their role is to "listen" to the targets of racism. Well, now is our chance. Gather and stay put with each other long enough to figure out who we would need to become in order to end racism. AWARE-LA has great input on this too.

Why do white people need communities of practice?

In her book, Mindful of Race, Ruth King says, "In a racial affinity group, we put ourselves in intentional spaces with people of our same race, where we can be vulnerable, challenged, and unedited; to examine the stories we have been told and the stories we tell ourselves; to lean toward what is unfamiliar and away from what is habitual; and to understand what is difficult to acknowledge, feel, and attend to within us and among us as a racial group."

This kind of experience is essential to white racial identity development. Once we view ourselves with greater accuracy, we are able to notice our community more accurately - both of which fuel our ability to partner with the targets of racism in our mutual goal of ending it.

I don't want a monthly membership, do you offer workshops or retreats?

Change doesn't happen overnight, so we don't recommend workshops or retreats except as an add-on to a rigorous daily liberation practice. Experience tells us that daily practice is harder to implement yet waaaaaaaayyyyyyy more meaningful. You can spend years attending workshops and retreats that leave you feeling euphoric, followed by long stretches of disengagement, and you'll only touch the surface of what's possible. Ask us how we know. 😳 We've been there and done that, and it doesn't work. 

We challenge you to commit one year of your life to implement a daily practice of liberation, and after one year, decide for yourself whether you want to return to your old ways. Up for that challenge? Wonderful! Join The Lab or start a Gathering group to keep this from becoming a grand idea that falls off after a few weeks.

Virtual or in-person?

The Lab is 100% virtual, yet we encourage members to cultivate in-person elements into your practice and have many ideas for you.

In The Lab, we are committed to co-creating human, healing-centered virtual spaces. We use music, play, art, naps, movement, and so much more to help, and we're always open to your ideas. If you are feeling virtual exhaustion, we wrote this for you.

For those of you craving an in-person, small community of practice, we invite you to enroll in Gathering and start a group.

Can I use/share the ideas and resources on your site?

If you find something useful, then use it. If you'd like to share - do it. Everything on our site is available to the community. If you would, please credit Better Neighbor Lab if and when you use our materials.

Can I hire you to work with our organization?

Better Neighbor Lab doesn't offer any consulting. Here are two pathways to access support:

you ready? Let's do this!
