The journey

to end racism

just got better

You're seconds away from an experience that has helped people like you become who they have always wanted to be

The journey

to end racism

just got better

You're seconds away from an experience that has helped people like you become who they have always wanted to be

raise your hand if any of this sounds familiar...

You are committed to racial liberation and get confused by all of the different advice about what that means for you as a white person...

You've spent countless hours learning about racism and trying to be a better person, yet you still feel frustrated and hopeless about our future...

Your relationships with the targets of racism, and white people alike, aren't going as well as you'd like, and you're out of ideas for how to make a difference...

You're struggling to stay on top of the seemingly endless list of what white people should be doing and find yourself checking out more and more...

Welcome, neighbor! We've been there too!

Which is why WE BUILT THIS PLACE to explore...

What will it take to loosen the dominating patterns that keep racism alive, despite our best efforts?

Who would we become if we gathered and stayed put with fellow white people long enough to end racism?

How can we more authentically partner with the targets of racism to co-create a world where all living beings can flourish?

Introducing better neighbor lab

A community of practice for white people committed to ending racism

The Lab will help you:

Cultivate a liberation practice you love that generates the change you want
Tap into communal wisdom & experience of people who support each other
Finally understand the patterns that block you from being the person you want to be
Get infinitely more effective reaching white people you love so you can stop avoiding them
Foster curious iteration that gets us closer to our goal of ending racism
See yourself as the learner-leader you are; fully capable of co-creating the world we want

The Lab will help you:

Cultivate a liberation practice you love that generates the change you want
Finally understand the patterns that block you from being the person you want to be
Foster nimble, curious iteration that gets us closer to our goal of ending racism
Tap into communal wisdom & experience of people who support each other
Get infinitely more effective reaching white people you love so you can stop avoiding them
See yourself as the learner-leader you are; capable of co-creating the world we want

The Lab will help you:

Cultivate a liberation practice you love that generates the change you want
Tap into communal wisdom & experience of people who support each other
Finally understand the patterns that block you from being who you want to be
Get infinitely more effective reaching white people you love and stop avoiding them
Foster curious iteration that gets us closer to our goal of ending racism
See yourself as the learner-leader you are; capable of co-creating a just world

support at every stage of your journey

0-5 years:

Welcome, neighbor. We're so glad you've begun your liberation journey. The first few years can be a whirlwind of learning and unlearning, and it can feel confusing and overwhelming. No need to pretend, prove, or perform - we've got you!

5-15 years:

After a few years, it's common to lose the humility you felt when everything was new. The key is strengthening relating patterns and loosening the dominating patterns that keep racism intact. For example, it's still superiority to think we are better than every other white person.

15+ years

We have no need for experts, but we do need people who are effective at captivating hearts and changing minds until our entire community is committed to ending racism - who else can you help bring along? 

support at every stage of your journey

0-5 years:

Welcome, neighbor. We're so glad you've begun your liberation journey. The first few years can be a whirlwind of learning and unlearning, and it can feel confusing and overwhelming. No need to pretend, prove, or perform - we've got you!

5-15 years:

After a few years, it's common to lose the humility you felt when everything was new. The key is strengthening relating patterns and loosening the dominating patterns that keep racism intact. For example, it's still superiority to think we are better than every other white person.

15+ years

We have no need for experts, but we do need people who are effective at captivating hearts and changing minds until our entire community is committed to ending racism - who else can you help bring along? 

support at every stage of your journey

0-5 years:

Welcome, neighbor. We're so glad you've begun your liberation journey. The first few years can be a whirlwind of learning and unlearning, and it can feel confusing and overwhelming. No need to pretend, prove, or perform - we've got you!

5-15 years:

After a few years, it's common to lose the humility you felt when everything was new. The key is strengthening relating patterns and loosening the dominating patterns that keep racism intact. For example, it's still superiority to think we are better than every other white person.

15+ years

We have no need for experts, but we do need people who are effective at captivating hearts and changing minds until our entire community is committed to ending racism - who else can you help bring along? 


Sarah Covington

What appeals to me about a community of practice is that it's not necessarily your besties - although you do become friends. We're here because we're all committed to the same thing and grow, learn, and change as we work on it together.

Annie Scott

I'm learning in ways that bring me closer to understanding myself and my history. I will forever be grateful for the light y'all shed so I could continue my journey toward living an antiracist life.

Deb Dimoff

When I joined, I was embraced with kindness and candor - helping me ask questions and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for learning. Together, we practiced crucial conversations about race, which not only eased these discussions outside the group but also nurtured curiosity and willingness.

Kristen Robelo

The practices of healing and accountability you offer allow me to move through the world with more awareness, give me more tools to build relationships, and to engage in conflicts that come up. Having white liberation community makes me feel less hopeless, and feel more connected to the possibility of changing our world.

30-day money-back guarantee

When you join the Lab, you are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you decide you want to cancel within 30 days, let us know, and we'll send you a prompt refund.

not sure if the lab is right for you?

The Lab is NOT for everyone, and truth be told, we'd prefer to help you figure out if it's not right for you BEFORE you join rather than waste your time. So, let's cut to the chase...

who the lab is for

  • White-bodied people committed to being a part of ending racism 
  • ...who want to connect, heal, and grow skills 
  • ...rigorously practice making a difference
  • ...willing to be a contribution
  • ...take accountability for their mistakes 
  • ...who dream of a world where all living beings can flourish

who the lab may not be for

  • People who think racism has already ended, is impossible to end, or not worthy of focus
  • ...who think someone else is to blame  
  • ...endlessly intellectualize and perform
  • Hole-pokers unwilling to try or shape ideas.
  • Anyone convinced their way is the "right way."
  • People who think the only future we can count on is a total dystopian nightmare.

It might seem strange, us trying to talk you OUT of becoming a member - but if the Lab is not the right fit, then neither of us benefits. We care about you - and that all starts by making sure the Lab is right for you before you join.

THE lab

All of the basics. Nothing more.


A community of practice for white-bodied people who are committed to ending racism.


Get personal responses to your questions & the support you need when you need it.


You decide what to pay when you enroll. Try to pick a monthly rate that delights you.


Add Gathering to take what you are learning and start a group with people you know.


Dive straight into the neighbor site content or show up for live calls - or both. You decide.


The doors to The Lab are closed. If you'd like, join our waitlist below.

THE lab

All of the basics. Nothing more.


A community of practice for white-bodied people who are committed to ending racism.


You decide what to pay when you enroll. Try to pick a monthly rate that delights you.


Dive straight into the neighbor site content or show up for live calls - or both. You decide.


Get personal responses to your questions & the support you need when you need it.


Add Gathering to take what you are learning and start a group with people you know.


The doors to The Lab are closed. If you'd like, join our waitlist below.

give us a try

Made a racist mistake? Try out our tested, humanizing, no-shame, no-blame accountability model. 

give us a try

Made a racist mistake? Try out our tested, humanizing, no-shame, no-blame accountability model. 


What do you mean by "white-bodied?"

There are times we use the term "white-bodied" as a way to express that 1) the experience we are having as people who are raced as white is a bodily one (thank you Resmaa Menakem); and 2) within our community, not everyone identifies as white. There's more to unpack here than can be done in an FAQ, and we're committed to those conversations in and outside of The Lab.

what kind of people are in the lab?

Many times when white people wonder, "Who will be there?" we're using it as a metric for determining if a group is as evolved as we believe ourselves to be. But what we are really saying is that we don't want to feel the frustration, terror, anger, and inadequacy that come when we face the fact that, despite our best efforts, racism is still present in our community. This is avoidance and superiority masked in righteousness, and it's not only misguided, it's destructive. If you are far along on your journey, then model being effective at capturing the hearts and changing the minds of people who are not as far along as you are.

And may we always remember that every space is an opportunity to practice and grow.

Why do you want me to decide what to pay?

We are experimenting with what it looks like to run a business as a gift economy within a capitalist society. The Lab is our gift to the world, and we're so excited about it. Now it's your part - pick a monthly rate that delights you. You can change it or cancel anytime.

Can I go at my own pace?

Absolutely. All of our practices work for any stage of the journey because they do what fuel does for a car; propel you forward. No matter how old or fancy your car is, you still need fuel. The same is true for your liberation journey.

Inside The Lab, you'll find many options for different learning preferences, and we are a lab, which means that we are constantly experimenting with ideas that get us closer to our goal of ending racism.

Is all of the content available straight away or is it time-released (drip fed)?

You get access to everything already inside the Lab straight away! No waiting for content to be released to you, so go ahead and start making use of all of the goodies right away. We regularly update and add new material, too - so your content library will continue growing.

Can you tell me more about the live calls in the lab?

To start, we'll have 3 live calls each month:

WEEK 1: CONNECT + HEAL. This call is a casual potluck in our neighborhood. Bring your food, pets, and full self as we connect with fellow lab members. We'll play games, get to know each other, tell stories, share important life moments, and at some point - we'll squirrel away in break-out rooms to share more deeply and practice healing. We believe relationships are the center of liberation, so we begin here each month.

WEEK 2: EXPERIMENT. This call is our lab within our lab. You'll bring your ideas, hypothesis, and willingness to give it a go, and we'll do the same. This isn't us talking at you like we are experts (hint: we're not). We expect the unexpected, which may feel exhilarating at times and downright tough at others. But stay put with each other in a posture of curiosity and openness and, no doubt, incredible things will happen. 

WEEK 3: HUDDLE. This call stretches us in two important ways: ask for help and be a contribution. Both are essential skills in a liberation journey.  The fact that many of us are fearful of making a mistake says a lot about how hooked we are to tactics that separate and keep us competing with each other, even in liberation spaces. We want so much more and bet you do too. 

WEEK 4: NO CALL. This is a moment to rest and recharge. 

These calls have no standard days/times to accommodate multiple schedules. For example: CONNECT + HEAL could happen on a weeknight evening, weekend brunch, or weekday lunch. We'll schedule months in advance so you can add the sessions you want to attend to your calendar.

Throughout the year, there will be other one-off calls, challenges, and more...but we don't know what those will look like yet - after all, we're a lab. 

Can I get one-to-one support?

Yes - but we're still working out how. The beta community will help us decide between several options we have, but we promise you there will be ways to get your questions answered.

What happens if I decide to cancel my membership?

Obviously, we'd love all of our members to stick around forever, but we know that isn't likely to happen. Here's what we've been noodling on, though...

Because white people in America no longer live in our motherland, we carry the wound of uprootedness, and that causes us to want to leave people and places often. When you learn to see yourself as a tree that will bear the most fruit when its roots are deep, stable, and nourishing - it helps us to reconsider the urge to move on in search of something better. What would happen if we co-create spaces where we could stay for 10, 20, 30, or 50 years? How is our constant moving and starting over with a new group of people making it more difficult to end racism? When the urge to move on shows up, will you do us a favor? Will you make sure you are rooted somewhere? We all need places we can stay put for decades to come. 

I'm not 100% sure what the lab is or if it's right for me; do you offer a trial to test it out?

We're not currently offering a trial; however, you can get a good feel for what membership is and how much it offers by reading this page entirely. Leading up to the beta launch, we'll circle back and record a behind-the-scenes video to show you more. 

If you still have questions after watching, email us at [email protected], and we'll get back to you!
