ending racism

is going to take

all of us

And that's a loooooottt of people to reach

how many are we talking?

Big numbers

can bring up

big feelings.

Let's pause. The feelings are important.

Looking directly at the problem of racism is essential.

Using data to do that can be tricky. White people love using data to propel our initiatives. But this is deeper than that.

We offered this data because there are feelings here to feel. 

Will you do us a favor?

Look at the graph above and notice what shows up.

Most people feel a huge range of feelings. The goal is not to feel any particular thing - the goal is to feel. Why?

Feelings and beliefs drive thoughts and actions.

kojo sheppard

Feelings and beliefs drive thoughts and actions.

kojo sheppard

Here's the good news

The more we feel and believe, the closer we get to the thinking and action we need to end racism.

After all, we’ve made significant progress with other problems.

Before the mid-80s, wearing a seat belt was optional, and only about 10% of people buckled up, which meant that a simple fender-bender could be deadly. In just 35 years, seat belt wearing crossed over 90% and remains a part of our daily lives.

Public perception changed in less than a lifetime. And it’s not just seatbelts.

Prior to the scam of “the war on drugs,” the public viewed disordered substance use as a public health crisis. Many adults today grew up believing it was a criminal crisis, and today, gratefully, we are beginning to return to our earlier, more human ways of understanding. 

These examples (and more) show our incredible ability to change our minds.

"What's made the biggest difference for you?"

of people say

people make the biggest difference.

In all areas of our lives, and particularly in our liberation journeys.

It's no wonder. It took people to get us into this mess, and it takes people to get us out.

People who willingly guide, challenge, strengthen, care for, heal, experiment, disrupt, build, tell stories, pull us together, and more.

we don't need experts

We need people who are willing. Which is where you come in...


Self-started communities of practice for white people focused on ending racism


Self-started communities of practice for white people focused on ending racism

we promise to keep gathering...


It's easy to look at what's been highly produced and think, "They can do it, but I can't." We've pared back all of the sparkle so you don't get confused because you are exactly who we've been waiting for.


Perfect for the DIYer who's ready to learn as you go. Weekly emails give you the support you need without crowding out your ideas, and searchable archives keep you going through the dry seasons.


Dependable. Nourishing. Connected. We'll show up in your inbox every week with ideas you can count on that will remind you that you aren't alone - you're rooted, and that means there's room to grow.




when you enroll

Gathering begins with a 7-week course to help you:


Cultivate your Daily Practice; and


Plan & launch (or re-inspire) a Gathering group

Follow along, and by week 8, your Gathering group will be ready to launch (or feel re-invigorated, for those of you who already have a group). 🎉 

From then on, you'll get a weekly email with an activity and discussion guide for your group to use.

Think Alcoholics Anonymous for white people.

Week 1: Accountability

Make sure to put your oxygen mask on first before trying to help someone else.

Week 2: Feeling

Notice what's coming up as you plan to gather a group, make sense of what you feel, and then settle.

Week 3: Curiosity

Get curious about the people in your life that you want to be a part of your community of practice.

Week 4: Courage

Begin inviting people to join you and ask for them to contribute in meaningful ways from the start.

Week 5: Healing

Sometimes we get responses that bring up our hurts. We'll show you how to heal and keep going.

Week 6: Rest

Liberation-minded folks must cultivate the ability to rest. This week, we'll do just that.

Week 7: Play

Plan a launch session that fuels connection, commitment, and (you guessed it)...play.

pay what feels right

Gathering is yours without a pay wall

As we experiment with the values of gift economy, we trust you to give what feels right for you. Besides, we've all bought things that didn't end up meaning much and others that have been deeply meaningful.

At this moment, no one knows what Gathering will mean to you, so what's the point of a fixed price? 

how it works

Step 1.

Join Gathering

Then, follow the steps in the 7-week course to start (or re-invigorate) a group.

Step 2.

Set a reminder in your calendar in 10 weeks

To reflect and decide what to give back. We'll also send you an email but don't depend on that to remind you. These emails are often lost or filtered out.


How does the focus on white people end racism?

For decades, the targets of racism have pointed us back toward each other. Here are two examples among many:

Whites who are sincere should organize themselves and figure out some strategies to break down the prejudice that exists in white communities. This is where they can function more intelligently and more effectively in the white community itself…. -Malcolm X, 1965

To all my white countrymen, I say this: Not only is it not my business to lead you out of white-body supremacy, but I would do you a profound disservice by trying to do so. You need to develop, lift up, and follow your own leaders in the work of dissolving white-body supremacy. If you don't, you will collectively reaffirm the myth of white fragility and helplessness... -Resmaa Menakem, 2017 

So often, white people believe their role is to "listen" to the targets of racism. Well, now is our chance. Gather and stay put with each other long enough to figure out who we would need to become in order to end racism. AWARE-LA has great input on this too.

Why do white people need communities of practice?

In her book, Mindful of Race, Ruth King says, "In a racial affinity group, we put ourselves in intentional spaces with people of our same race, where we can be vulnerable, challenged, and unedited; to examine the stories we have been told and the stories we tell ourselves; to lean toward what is unfamiliar and away from what is habitual; and to understand what is difficult to acknowledge, feel, and attend to within us and among us as a racial group."

This kind of experience is essential to white racial identity development. Once we view ourselves with greater accuracy, we are able to notice our community more accurately - both of which fuel our ability to partner with the targets of racism in our mutual goal of ending it.

who is gathering for?

Any white person who is committed to ending racism and wants to cultivate that commitment in a group of white people.

We cultivate learner-leaders who are humble (none of us are experts) and courageously willing (no need to pretend or perform) to gather and stay put with our people long enough to end racism.

what if i think this is the next step for me, but i feel nervous?

Wonderful. We won't attempt to make what's uncertain certain for you. The truth is that racism hasn't ended yet so we are all experimenting our way toward a bright future. None of us start out knowing how to host white communities of practice focused on ending racism. When we stay curious and expansive about what's possible, we notice what is bearing fruit and what's not - and iterate every time we get stuck, stale, or compromised in some way.

If you are willing to be scared and do it anyway, we promise you that you are more capable than you think, and we need all of us to take great risks in order to end racism. Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!

what support do you offer when challenges come up in our Gathering group?

Yes, it's a matter of "when" challenges come up...because they will. Here's how to get support:

  • Log into Gathering and search the Library for ideas that may help
  • No luck there? Request us to create a new resource for your question/challenge (we add more based on your questions)
  • Pair a membership to The Lab with Gathering so you can access our community and team for support

I already am part of a group...is this for us?

Absolutely! We've heard from many self-started groups over the years who are committed but struggle to keep the momentum. The 7-week course will help re-invigorate and deepen your group's commitment, and the weekly emails will have ideas and discussion guides to keep you going when you need a little help. 
